Transport Financing

In addition to other lending purposes, Rietumu specializes in transport lending. Loans are secured both by commercial vehicles (including transport vessels and commercial airliners) and business jets and private boats.

The review of an application takes up to two weeks upon submission of a complete package of documents.

General lending terms:

Loan type: loan
Loan amount: from EUR 2 million
Interest rate: as agreed upon by the parties
Term: up to 5 years
Repayment schedule: up to 10 years
Currency: EUR
Loan purpose: acquisition of new or used transport vessels and commercial airliners; refinancing of loan liabilities; financing of working capital
Fee for loan application review: EUR 2000
Arrangement fee: 1% from the loan amount


  • Transport vessels under 20 years’ old
  • Commercial airlines under 20 years’ old

The loan amount may reach 60% of the fair market value of the pledge

Additional collateral:

Pledge of shares and assets of companies, personal and corporate guarantees

Additional terms:

  • At least 3 years work in the business sector where lending is sought
  • Stable financial performance
  • Availability of a cash flow sufficient to pay interest and principal
  • Registration and insurance of pledges

Loan accommodation and its terms are considered by the Bank’s Loan Committee. A loan is accommodated only after the loan agreement and other documents have been signed and all prerequisites have been met.

Dmitry Bondarenko
+371 6700 5581