We continue supporting Ukraine refugees

30 March 2022, 12:21

Last week Charity fund “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” (“Future Support Fund”), founded by Rietumu Bank, donated a large number of baby diapers and wool blankets to Latvian Red Cross for needs of Ukrainian refugees.

The fund has purchased 750 packings of quality nappies of various sizes and several dozens of warm wool baby blankets manufactured in Latvia. All these goods, vitally needed by refugees with young children, were handed to Latvian Red Cross to be distributed among those in need.

We have also delivered a large number of humanitarian aid collected for the refugees by Rietumu Bank’s employees to the Salvation Army.

Our caring employees collected a busload of things for people who were forced to leave their homes: children and adult clothes and shoes, toys, blankets and plaids, bedlinen, bedding, houseware, electric kettles etc. As well as a variety of long-stored foods, tea, coffee, sweets and chocolates.

We continue our program, remaining in contact with organizations and state institutions involved in receiving and assisting refugees, and currently are considering new support projects.

Those who wish to join us and donate to help refugees can find contacts of our charity fund here: https://www.naf.lv/about/.


“Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” continues supporting people of Ukraine

This week “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” (Future Support Fund), founded by Rietumu Bank, purchased and handed over a batch of warm blankets for the people of Ukrain.

18 March 2022, 15:00 Charity & Sponsorship