
Best Medical Nurses of Latvia Have Been Solemnly Awarded

Yesterday a reception took place in the residence of the President of Latvia – the House of the Blackheads, where 30 of the best medical nurses of Latvia, who became winners of the competition “Our Search for the Best Nurse”, were solemnly awarded. The competition is traditionally organised by the Rietumu Charity Fund.

10 January 2014, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

Possibilities for Obtaining a Residence Permit in Latvia Have Been Expanded

In January amendments to the Latvian Law on Immigration took effect – they expand the opportunities for foreign investors to obtain a residence permit.

9 January 2014, 12:00 Products & Services

On Rietumu’s working hours during Christmas and New Year holidays

During Christmas and New Year holidays, Rietumu will work as follows: 23 December – office of the bank will be open from 9 a.m. until 3. p.m.; will be executed payments, delivered via remote banking systems, incoming transfers to customer accounts, as well as customers’ orders on currency exchange markets.

19 December 2013, 12:00 Products & Services